Merry Christmas! We hope God grants you peace and time with family this Christmas.  We are so appreciative for all of our family and friends- thank you for being in our lives! Here are some of the highlights of this momentous year for us: LIVE FROM DISNEY WORLD!!!! Scott surprised us early in the year with a plan for a Christmas Disney trip which we are enjoying! I am sunburnt and taking a break by the pool.

Scott: My beloved Scott (we’ve


been married 16 years now!!) has just celebrated over two years as I.T. Coordinator for the Southern Illinoisan newspaper. This year he got a promotion to Creative Services Manager and has employees whom he coordinates now. He has really excelled in his career and is loving it. Scott also made a lot of fitness changes this year- he’s lost weight and gotten a lot fitter!! I’m so proud of him.

Trisha- I have been traveling extensively this year after publishing my first book “Your Children’s Ministry From Scratch” (Amazon).  I have been overwhelmed by the good reviews! The book has been picked up as a textbook at North Central in Mpls, (my alma mater) and Valley Forge in PA. This past year, I spoke at CPC West (Chattanouga) CPC East (Los Angeles), and other camps and workshops, vbses and consulting work. I also also began Master’s program at Bethel seminary in children’s and family ministry. My first semester has gone great! My second book “Your Children’s Ministry Beyond Basics” just finished editing, and I’m planning to launch this January. Squeal! Another big year ahead, but I have great expectations that God has wonderful things planned.

Logan- Logan is now 12 years old (how is that possible??).  I am overjoyed at his passionate love for Jesus.  He reads his Bible every single night to his sister, and has a lot of faith when he prays. Logan loves drawing comic books, playing with his dog Ursani, playing Minecraft, playing any and all board games (our family plays board games almost every night). Logan is now in middle school, and has about all A’s. He is so compassionate, creative, funny and still full of energy.

Eliana- this creative fireball has straight A’s in fourth grade. She draws, makes crafts, and has a beautiful singing voice, and snuggling with her cat Midnight. Eliana is quite the reader now, reading large novels all the time. Both kids are great travelers, often traveling to different states with me when I am speaking. They helped me with several camps this year.

We loved seeing family a lot this year, and reconnecting with longtime friends. Some wonderful people are just your friends for life!

Love you all so much.  God bless you this Christmas and all through this new year.

Love Trisha, Scott, Logan, Eliana, (Ursani, Danny and Midnight)