Archives for the month of: April, 2024

I really hope you liked last week’s discussion on great character traits and habits for pastor and church leaders. And as promised, here are the other 4 best traits for pastor and church leaders hoping to be in ministry for the long term-

  1. Teachable nature/growth mindset-This willingness to keep learning really comes from a heart of humility and a desire to please God. How many pastors have we seen through the years that learned one way of preaching/teaching in Bible college, one way of leading worship, one way of counseling and never grew again after that. Decades later they are not reaching new generations due to lack of education and training. Scripture does not change and should not be changed. However, the methods we use to bring the gospel to each generation should match the “language” that generation speaks. If God has called you to reach a certain group of people, shouldn’t you learn their culture, customs and language? Change is not always fun. But if we stubbornly cling to our own methods, are we growing His kingdom? Or our own? In order to really be effective in ministry, all ministers should continually be learning and growing, willing to work and change.
  2. Genuine- When my husband first met our now senior pastor, my husband turned to me on the drive home and said, “One thing I know, that man is the real deal.” To this day, this is something we really appreciate about our pastor. He is not one person from the pulpit and another in the office and yet another at Walmart. He is not “fake.” He preaches community and he clears his schedule to practice being in community. Pastors can fall to the temptation to develop a “persona” of what they THINK people want to see in that position. But there is no substitute for a real genuine person, serving within their calling. Our pastor has dropped everything to counsel and pray with our kids. He and his wife have sat up with someone dying at the homeless shelter til 3 am. How badly our churches need leaders who are for real!!
  3. Commitment to their own health- In our culture, spending time on your own physical and mental health can seem “selfish,” especially for a pastor who is supposed to be “self-sacrificing.” However, my doctoral research showed me that pastors have a much higher than average rate of depression, secondary PTSD, health issues, and loneliness. We have already lost too many wonderful pastors because their body or mind or marriage just couldn’t hang on anymore. Churches should be encouraging their pastors to take days off every week, to use all vacation days, to take Sundays off from time to time, to go for doctor’s checkups, to be in pastor cohorts etc. etc. That investment in your pastor will hopefully keep them healthy in their family and in ministry for a long time! Healthy pastor=healthy church.
  4. Love for people- I don’t know of any pastors that go into ministry thinking, “I really hate people.” I hope not! But unfortunately, I have observed pastors that just seem to lose their love of people over the years. Perhaps it is the hectic schedules, paperwork, horrible things that people do to each other and to them and to themselves, power struggles, infighting…burnout can cause us to see the people we are called as burdens. Like a once spectacular house that is now empty and rundown, a pastor who lost their love for people is also sad and hollow. God is desperately in love with people and with His Church. Sometimes we need to ask God to reignite our passion for the people we serve in His name.

How about YOU? Did I miss a trait that you feel is crucial for pastors to succeed?

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There are so many things you need to know as a minister!! The onslaught of information is overwhelming! And what is the most important for me to know? Church growth dynamics? Emerging technology? Reaching Gen Z? Hiring best practices? Fundraising basics? There are so many things that pastors feel they need to know to be effective. Most of you know that I did my doctoral research on the real reasons why pastors leave ministry and don’t come back. If you would like to see my research you can get the book here- But what are the key traits that may help a minister stay in ministry over the long term? What should a new ministry leader be focusing on in their new position? Here are the nine traits that, in my personal opinion, are absolutely CRUCIAL for anyone hoping to stay in ministry for more than 5 minutes:

  1. Devotion to Jesus-You have probably heard “Serving in the church is not the same thing as spending quiet time with Jesus.” But most of us need the reminder. Serving long hours in the church office will lead to total burnout if you are not daily being filled up in your relationship with Jesus. In my own experience, I have seen too many ministers walk away from Jesus completely after their ministry falls apart. Their faith was far too enmeshed with what they were doing FOR God instead of WHO they are IN Christ. Our ministry to others should flow out of our own spiritual journey. A love relationship with Jesus should be for life, even when ministry seasons come and go.
  2. Devotion to family- In like manner, our family relationships are supposed to be for life. Our ministry to our family should come before our ministry at the church. Time spent serving together is not a substitute for quality time with your spouse or your children. How many ministers only learn this the hard way, losing their family and then losing their ministry? Jesus first, then your family, and then the rest.
  3. Perseverance- To me, this seems to be a trait that is lacking in our modern, western culture. And staying in ministry for the long term requires a lot of perseverance. Ministers must be able to endure disappointment, heartache, verbal and written insults (sadly), resistance to any change, power grabs, manipulation, church politics and more. It takes the power of the Holy Spirit to get up and try one more time, again and again. Scripture warns us plainly that serving Jesus is hard in this world, but also in the church. Paul encourages us to, “Endure hardship as a soldier of Jesus Christ.” Ministry can be much tougher than what we imagined or were prepared for. Sometimes it is only the grace of God that keeps us going-in hope!
  4. Forgiveness- You will not be in ministry long if you do not learn to forgive. In fact, you will also lose your relationship with Jesus if you will not forgive. My father has always said, “All people are sinners. It’s just that some of those sinners believe in Jesus and are going to heaven.” His point was that we expect terrible behavior from non-Christians, but are often shocked when we see horrible things being done by “church” people. I have often seen kindness, compassion and understanding from non-Christian friends and gossip, back-biting, manipulations, and power grabs happening in the the church. But without forgiveness, it becomes impossible to continue in ministry. And forgiveness is necessary to continue on LIVING, being free and having joy. If we ask God for help, He can help us forgive and be free, when we cannot forgive in our human strength alone.
  5. Flexibility- Being too rigid in devotion to our plans and our way of doing things will only get you broken. I learned this lesson early on as a special education teacher in a public school. One of the other teachers told me this: “Trish, I hold my plans loosely. I prepare as best I can, but I have to flex with what the day and the kids bring to the classroom.” As a minister, I plan and prepare as well as I can. But I hold my plans loosely. Because I have to be able to flex according to what the day and the families I serve bring in. I have always told our kid’s church leaders, “I don’t care if you get to the end of the lesson or do all of the activities. People over programs. If a child is in need of prayer because their parents are getting a divorce, then we stop everything and pray. Be prepared to pivot as God is leading you.”

Stay tuned for PART 2 next week! How about YOU? What do you think are the absolutely essential traits for ministry leaders who are hoping to go the distance? Thank you for all you do for Jesus and His kids! See you next week, Trisha

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